Scholarship Committee

The charge of this group is to solicit, review and provide recommendations to the executive board of student scholarship recipients. Primary work is during the spring 术语.

Point of 联系: Dr. Paul Price, or (626) 585-7748

Welcome Committee

The purpose of the Welcoming Committee is to identify, connect with and network newly hired and continuing Black employee's of Pasadena Area City College District.

Point of 联系: 奥黛丽E. Joseph, Chair, or (626) 585-3176

Awards Breakfast Committee

With a highly successful scholarship breakfast, the scholarship planning committee is planning for the 2018 - 2019 gathering.

Point of 联系: Victoria Williams, Co-Chair, or (626) 585-7250 

Black Male Conference Committee

The purpose of this committee is to lead the planning for the annual Black Male Conference. The goals of the conference are to teach young men how to make positive choices; enlighten young men about college, police encounters, and community responsibilities; develop good citizens; and prepare them for a successful future.

Point of 联系: Dr. Paul Price, or (626) 585-7748 

日期: Saturday, October 20, 2018
Time: 8 am-2pm
主题: Connectivity
位置: Pasadena City College, Creveling Lounge
Keynote Speaker: Darrin Lyons (DL)
联系 Information: &

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Donation requests
  • 办理登机手续
  • Direct students/parents to workshops
  • Conference assessment (surveys)
  • Directing vendors
  • T-shirt distribution
  • Lunch: assisting with lunch
  • Presenters: making sure presenters have equipment and water
  • Develop workshop signs
  • Post workshop signs on appropriate locations
  • Community Outreach

Social Media 

The purpose of the Social Media committee is to connect 课程 with the campus and regional community by utilizing 脸谱网, Instagram, 推特 and other social media platforms.


The purpose of the Fundraising committee is to generate direct and in kind support for the activities and scholarships of 课程.