
These bylaws shall be adopted by a simple majority of the vote cast by the Classified 参议院. 本章程应规定定期会议、提名方法及 选举主席团成员、填补空缺和其他程序 需要处理机密参议院的事务.




参议院机密财政年度应与大学日历(7月)相同 1 through June 30, and all terms of the 参议院 officers will coincide with the fiscal 一年.



Regular meetings of the 分类参议院 shall be held on the first and third Wednesday 从七月的第一个星期三开始.


Attendance by 50% of the members at any meeting of the 分类参议院 shall constitute 法定人数.



The 分类参议院 shall consist of 18 elected Senators, each of whom is elected 由叙级工作人员的一个职能部门负责,任期两年,具体如下:

  • 文书/秘书- 7人
  • 技术/辅助专业人员- 5名成员
  • 服务/维护- 3名成员
  • 熟练技工- 2名成员
  • 社区教育中心- 1名成员

在这方面,可以及时重新制定比例代表制 对常规机密工作人员工作人员比例的变化.

Any seat not filled in an election may be filled by an appointment by the 总统 and approved by a 2/3 majority of the 参议院 without regard to segment availability.


参议员任期两年. 参议院议员可连选连任. However, no member shall serve more than two consecutive two-一年 terms without spending 至少一年不在参议院任职.

If all seats are not filled, then the 参议院 may temporarily waive this requirement 以简单多数投票通过.


The officers of the 分类参议院 shall serve a term of one 一年 and be eligible 争取连任,连任一年. 任何官员不得携带超过 一间办事处兼作.

  1. The 总统, only upon completion of his or her final elected term of office, shall 担任前总统一年. 如果前总统是 他或她不再填补当选的任期,他或她将没有投票权,并将以任何方式行事 advisory capacity to the 参议院 and its officers as an ex-officio member for one 一年.


Each current 参议院 shall determine and meet its own organizational needs providing that its actions do not conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Classified 参议院.


The outgoing 总统 shall preside at the first regular meeting of the Classified 参议院 following the election of officers, render a report of the past 一年 with such 建议被认为是明智的,并安装新当选的官员. 军官 that are not re-elected to a new 参议院 2-一年 term will be asked to function in their 职位,直到新官员当选,但没有投票权.


The Senators will meet with their constituents as necessary to gain feedback, to report back on what transpired at a previous meeting of the 分类参议院, and to relay 与他或她的特定部门和机密参议院有关的信息.


All committees will act in accordance with 第五条I of the 参议院机密宪法.


The Nomination and Election committee shall be a standing committee of the Classified 参议院 to solicit and receive names of candidates to be chosen as Senators and shall 监督那些候选人的选举. 提名应以书面请愿方式提出 被提名人应以书面形式接受.


The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be standing committee of the Classified 参议院 to make timely reports and recommendations to the 参议院 on Bylaws for conducting 参议院会议s and activities and amendments to the Constitution and shall receive 所有由会员提出的章程及附例修订建议.


经各成员的建议和同意,可设立特设委员会. 这样的 委员会应为特殊目的而成立,任期短期.


The 分类参议院 Policy Review committee shall be a standing committee of the 对保密参议院进行审查,并向保密参议院提出建议 所有地区/学院的政策提交参议院审议 太阳城集团官方网址导航共享管理流程. 委员会由主席担任 by the 国会议员, and consist of the following additional membership: one Senator, 及两名委任的机密职员. 将尽一切努力任命一位 社区教育中心的保密工作人员名单.


从2003年大学日历开始,7月1日至6月30日,所有的主席 分类参议院 standing committees shall serve a term of one 一年 and be eligible 再次获委任为主席,任期再延长一年. 没有常务委员会 常务委员会主席应兼任一名以上主席.



The Nomination and Election Committee shall present a slate of candidates for Senators 经候选人同意. 任何成员均可通过 他或她的参议员.


每年五月举行无记名投票选举. 投票主席 and two tellers shall be appointed to tally the ballots cast and announce the result.

从2000年选举开始,实行分阶段选举. 9位参议员 shall be elected each odd numbered 一年 and nine (9) senators shall be elected each 偶数年. 要开始这一程序,参议院开会时批准 of this bylaw shall through its own action determine the seats to be elected in the 奇数和偶数年.

(2000年选举增编:三名文书/秘书, 三-技术/辅助专业, one – Service/Maintenance, one – Skilled Trades, and one CEC Senator shall be elected)

The candidate receiving the most votes, plurality, of the votes cast shall be declared 每个参议院席位的获胜者. 第3条所述的自我提名程序 VII, 第一节, limits the election to verified candidates, therefore, write-in votes 不会被计算在内. I

n the event of a tie vote on any ballot for one or more Senators, a new election shall be called for immediately and be held as soon as possible with the tying candidates 列在选票上. 这一进程应继续进行,直至达成决定性表决为止. 新当选的参议员于7月1日就职.


All 参议院 军官 shall be nominated from and elected by the Senators of the Classified 在8月的第一次会议上获得了参议院的支持. 任何总统候选人 担任机密参议员至少一年.


Campaigning for 参议院 Officer: All 参议院 nominees must follow the District guidelines 太阳城集团官方网址导航竞选活动.

3 c节


  • 总统
  • 副总统
  • 国会议员
  • 秘书
  • 财务主管
  • 董事会代表


  1.  任何获委任为委员会成员的人士,可由委员会的 参议院2/3多数票通过.
  2. Any Senator of the 分类参议院 may be removed from office for cause by a 2/3 在他/她的选区内投的多数票. 随后进行罢免选举 a motion for removal passed by a majority of the 分类参议院 at a regular or 特别召集会议.
  3. 机密参议院的民选官员可因下列理由被免职 a 2/3 majority vote of the Senators present and voting at a regular or called special 参议院会议.
  4. Any senator may be recalled by a segment election after the presentation to the 参议院 由该界别最少20%的选民签署的请愿书. 参议院 shall call the recall election and it will be conducted by the Nomination and Election 委员会迅速作出决定. 取代可能被罢免的参议员的候选人 may be listed on the same ballot, in a separate section, to expedite the work of the 参议院.


A vacancy resulting from resignation or declaration, shall be filled by a Classified 参议院主席的任命和参议院的多数投票.

  1. If the vacancy is filled during the first 一年 of a two-一年 term, it shall be counted 被任命的参议员的两年任期届满. 被任命的参议员将是 eligible to run for one additional, consecutive two 一年 term following completion 在指定任期内.
  2. If the vacancy is filled during the second 一年 of a two-一年 term, it shall not be 算作一个完整的学期. 被任命的参议员有资格参加竞选 to the 分类参议院 for two consecutive terms following the completion of the 任命任期.


  1. 任何参议员都可以申请一个完整的大学学期或一年的假期 以书面形式向总统提出申请,最长不得超过六个月. 休假必须得到批准, 以参议院多数票通过. 如果休假被批准,则临时任命 may be made by the 总统 for any Officer with a vote of approval from the entire 参议院. 在任何时候,准许休假的参议员不得超过两名.
  2. 达到法定人数的参议员,每减一名 参议员在休假期间休假.
  3. A leave of absence shall be limited to once every two consecutive terms (four 一年s).


Additions to and/or changes in the Bylaws may be effected 以简单多数投票通过 由宪法及章程委员会通过,并以简单多数通过 提案后下次例会的法定人数.

附例-修订(09-17-08). 修订(05-07-14).